Peter does pizza…al fresco

I lied….one more Peter update before convocation….maybe I will lie again to tell you when he’s home. But here’s what happened today. Peter’s sisters take him outdoors:

Last hospital update

With Macaulay convocation on Monday, I am trying to devote just a little more bandwidth to the thousand people who will be in Alice Tully Hall to see their sons and daughters graduate. But you want to know about Peter, right?? He deserves some congratulations too.? So here he is, walking for the first time.? […]

Good news from Tisch Hospital

A much better evening, now that the waiting is over.?? This problem went way back to ten years ago, and could only have been fixed surgically.?? There was no mystery, nothing unanticipated.? And the long-term prognosis will be excellent. But one thing was totally unanticipated, and that was Dr. Dolgin showing up at the eleventh […]

In the hospital with a ten year old in 1998 v. an almost 21 year old in 2009

So many differences…. When Peter went off to the operating room around 430p, he was accompanied not by his mother but by his sister Caroline, a third year medical student, in scrubs. His surgeon was not our pediatric hero Dr. Dolgin at Mt. Sinai, but an adult surgeon, NYU’s Dr. Pachter.  We’re prepared for Dr. […]

Introducing my family

Here’s the team on a happy vacation day in St. Croix, from left to right: Caroline, Elisabeth, and Peter Weinberg, and Matt Stine (Liz’s significant other.) How’s this for deja vu…I have to figure out how to communicate health updates for friends who are eager to hear how Peter is doing these days. Email?? Listserv?? […]

Orfeo at the Met

Extraordinary performance by Stephanie Blythe. Was it because of her, the length of the opera (90 minutes!), the ever fascinating story of Orpheus descending to the underworld to save his wife Eurdydice, or Peter Gelb’s

My first blog, 1998

We didn’t call it a blog then, but when my son was hospitalized in 1998, I started a website to keep family and friends up to date. Then I wrote an article in The New