Good news from Tisch Hospital

A much better evening, now that the waiting is over.?? This problem went way back to ten years ago, and could only have been fixed surgically.?? There was no mystery, nothing unanticipated.? And the long-term prognosis will be excellent.

But one thing was totally unanticipated, and that was Dr. Dolgin showing up at the eleventh hour.? The man does have timing to match his wit and brilliance.? So we got the two heroes we needed, Drs. Pachter and Dolgin, and even got to enjoy seeing them together on this night.

We will be seeing a lot of NYU in the next week, and will consider ourselves thrilled to be there.

In the lobby of Tisch hospital, the debrief begins.

In the lobby of Tisch hospital, the debrief begins.

Dr. Pachter shows Dr. Dolgin the pictures taken during surgery.  I am happy that they are happy, but I am not looking at those pictures.

Dr. Pachter shows Dr. Dolgin the pictures taken during surgery. I am happy that they are happy, but I am not looking at those pictures.

Our heroes, Dr. Steven Dolgin and Dr. Leon Pachter

Our heroes, Dr. Steven Dolgin and Dr. Leon Pachter