Productivity is at an end…or a new beginning

ok, iTunes 9.1 is downloaded, and i’ve entered the hilariously long security code for my home wifi network…and now we’re in synch mode.

almost artsy, there I am reflected in the iPad screen.

Funny coincidence that I also bought my mother-of-the-bride dress today.  There’s something about having spent the morning falling in love with the lovely fabric, elegant design, anticipatory joy of the wedding….and now I’m pawing a bit of silicone.

Call me weird and geeky and acquisitive, I don’t care, I am prepared to take a lot of delight in both these possessions.

Sync still in progress, damn, I want to play!

Hmmm, will I bring it to Barney’s this afternoon when I go back to have to show the dress to the bride for approval….oh, that’s easy, of course!