Welcome Class of 2013! What I’d say if I wrote it down…..

Tomorrow is the first day of our three-day orientation for Macaulay freshmen…my fourth year as Dean.? Sort of my senior year, I guess, which makes next year, what — postgraduate?

It is my role to give welcoming remarks.? What can you possibly say to 444 students who are embarking on that great adventure, college?? Especially when they are all eager to get to Central Park and the Outward Bound activities…and when they will be far more interested in each other than in me or in anything I have to say, which is as it should be.

What I really want to say is:? have a great time today and for the next four years.? FUN is the most underrated of complements to learning.? In fact, I think is an essential part of learning at its best.? Well, maybe I mean passion and intense curiosity as much as laughing-out-loud.? But I want to get across the importance of finding excitement in almost all parts of college life.? (Don’t hold this against me during finals week…..)

My second assignment would be to shake things up.? Challenge your assumptions.? Maybe you think you have to major in chemistry, or history, or Spanish.? Or you have to edit the newspaper or tutor in math.? Is that YOUR assumption or someone else’s, your parents, your best friend, your guidance counselor, someone else you don’t want to disappoint?? Just make sure that you pick your goals yourself.? Surprise yourself!? Take at least one course that might lead someone to say, really?? you are taking Chaucer?? or molecular biology?? or environmental science?? or photography?? Or applying for a Rhodes scholarship?

And lastly, I want to tell you that there is a small army here ready to help you succeed.? We picked each other, didn’t we?? You picked us, first as a school to apply to, and then to accept our offer of admission.? Nearly 4,000 students applied to Macaulay, and we selected you to be one of our freshmen today.? So now you are part of the Macaulay team.? Your advisor and campus director, as well as the Macaulay staff at West 67th Street, are all here to get you started and also to help you during the next four years.

If you’ve got a great idea, or a problem, we want to hear about it.? I have office hours most Mondays at 2p, and I’m also on every campus at least once a semester.? So don’t hesitate to contact any of us.

So three things to remember:? fun, surprises, and teamwork.

I’ll probably forget all of this when I see those 444 faces tomorrow.? In which case, I’ll bring a copy!